The first part of November 2023, I spent a week watching our grandchildren while our daughter and son-in-law went on a cruise. Mike spent Saturday and Sunday with me, on Monday he went home to work and take care of the house. He was going to return on Thursday, once our daughter and son-in-law were home, to get me. The day they were returning was our 49th wedding anniversary.

During the week, Mike and I stayed in touch via texts, phone calls, and even video chats, discussing how our days were going, situations we were facing, fun things that had happened, and how we were looking forward to being together again on our special day.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Life360 app on my phone told me Mike was traveling to a town nearby. That seemed odd, as we generally do not go there.

When he called later, I asked him about it.

“I had to go to Lowes to get something that our local Lowes didn’t have.”

“What did you need?”

“Oh…a tool.”

It was that hesitation that clued me in. In the past years, whenever I was away from home for several days, Mike would do some remodeling of our almost 100-year-old home.

“You’re doing something to the house, aren’t you?”

“…yes…but please don’t ask what it is. I want it to be a surprise for you on our special day.”

Over the next few days, I wondered what he was doing and what it would look like.

On Thursday, our 49th anniversary, as we were driving home, I asked, “Is the special thing finished?”

“Yes, it is. You’ll see it once you walk into the house.”

It turned out to be our dining room. Mike had added beadboard wainscoting, a chair rail, crown molding, and fresh paint. It was beautiful!

When Jesus was on Earth, He spent time with His Bride; His disciples and other followers. Over the three years He was with them, He taught them many things, including, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:2-3)

We who have accepted Jesus’ salvation are part of the Bride of Christ. He is still working, preparing something special for us.

While we wait, we talk to Him each day, we learn more about Him through the Bible, we grow closer to other members of the Body and Bride of Christ.

One day soon, Jesus will return—on our special day—to take us to our forever home. We will see what He has done for us, the home He has prepared for us.

It will be beautiful beyond what we can imagine.