School visits for YHWH

School visits for YHWH

September found me going back to school, but not as a student. Following in the footsteps of my c0-writer, GP Taylor, I began visiting schools to talk to the students and teachers about YHWH and the importance of reading. One school visit was to Lancaster Christian...
Glowing review of YHWH

Glowing review of YHWH

Samantha Brewer wrote a glowing review of YHWH for OnCourse Magazine. I am quite humbled by her words.
School visits for YHWH

Look What I Found at Barnes & Noble

After church and lunch with hubby Mike, one of our daughters Bethy, and her boyfriend Billy decided to wander through the local Barnes and Noble bookstore. I headed over to the aisle with Christian book and began wandering down the aisle, looking for YHWH on the...
Glowing review of YHWH


Since I wrote and published my first article in 1982, I’ve come to realize that, for me, being a writer is similar to being a parent. It takes a long time to conceive of an idea, many sleepless nights working on it, and then the laborious process of editing. When you...
Author Signs Copies at Gideon Media Arts Conference

Author Signs Copies at Gideon Media Arts Conference

I signed copies of YHWH The Flood The Fish and The Giant at the Gideon Media Arts Conference, held at the LifeWay Christian Conference Center in Ridgecrest, North Carolina. It was exciting to talk with people about the book and the reasons behind why GP Taylor and I...