I ‘met’ Donna Williams when I began working on the marketing for my novel, BEAUTY UNVEILED; Sisters of Lazarus Book One. Click here to read that story.

Since that time, Donna and I stayed in touch, updating each other on our lives and our books; Donna wrote “Scars Not Stones: Freedom from the Chains of the Past.” She graciously wrote endorsements for the other two books in the Sisters of Lazarus series as well as THE CARPENTER AND HIS BRIDE; The Birth of Hope.

We eventually had the blessing to meet in person. It was as if we had known each other for years.

Donna is an amazing woman of God partnering with her husband, Jerry in  EPIC Ministries, Inc., the interdenominational, evangelistic, and discipling ministry they founded.  To quote from her page on the Epic Ministries website:

Passionate to see the lost come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, and to see others empowered by the Word of God to live lives that make a difference in this world for the Kingdom of Heaven best describes Donna Williams. “Practical explanation to bring practical application”, is her motto. “Make it plain where people can get it so they will then go and do it. Being doers and not hearers only,” she says.

Donna is an ordained minister and co-founder of EPIC Ministries, Inc., with her husband, Jerry Williams. She is a dynamic and challenging speaker/teacher, has developed Biblical curriculum, and has written the book, “Scars Not Stones: Freedom from the Chains of the Past.”  She and her husband plant and oversee churches worldwide with a focus on the “Great Commission” to go into all the world and preach the Gospel and make disciples.” They are pastors to pastors, discipling the disciple makers.

Donna’s passion is the Word of God and teaching people to use the Sword of the Spirit effectively.

I am thankful the Lord brought us together and honored to call her my friend.

Click here to learn more about Donna, including how to schedule her to minister in your area