Resources and reviews
“Our First Fifty Years as a Married Couple” on Christian Activities
Hubby Mike and I have mentioned on social media that we will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this November. Our friend Kathryn Darden - who was our first magazine editor - asked us to write an article for Christian Activities about things we have done...
Abby Rosser’s Kind Comments about IF I PERISH
Abby Rosser is an amazing author, writing across multiple genres. Which is one reason why her comments about IF I PERISH: A Queen's Sacrifce were humbling. She graciously allowed me to share this picture and her thoughts.
[Based upon Chapters 11-18 in SISTERS OF LAZARUS; Beauty Unveiled.] From “Beauty Unveiled” Chapter Eighteen *Intro to the story: Mary, Martha and Lazarus are at their Capernaum home, where the family spends their summers. They are hosting Jesus ben Joseph and several...