words, music, motion
Life gets busy. There are always so many things to do. List upon list of household chores, professional requirements, and even fun gatherings with friends can keep my world in a tizzy. But sometimes, when I slow down and allow the noise of the day to fade into the distance, I find the peace to ponder this amazing world God has created. Occasionally, my thoughts becoming musings. And sometimes, I like to share them with my friends… like you!
BEAUTY UNVEILED; Sisters of Lazarus, Book One “Where did you get your inspiration for your story?” This probably ranks as one of the most frequently asked questions during author interviews, and for a good reason. As a reader, when I learn what sparked an idea...
Once Upon a Silent Night
On December 24, 1982, after seven years of infertility, I gave birth to Mike and my first child, Rachael. The next day, Mike wrote a beautiful poem, "Once Upon a Silent Night," in honor of our long-awaited child. Fast-forward several decades, Mike and I put together a...
“Sisters of Lazarus” video
Classic and contemporary art set to the music of AudioMachine tells the story of Christ. Equinox by AudioMachineOfficially Licensed Music